Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Discussions about names

I'd like to share another recent memorable conversation. I thought now that we've got a date for the next ultrasound it might be a good time to discuss names. The following took place about two weeks ago between Josh and I.

Josh: "Where did this 50,000 baby names book come from?"

Jen: "Oh, my mom thought it would be helpful so she let me borrow it."

Josh: "Helpful for what? We already decided baby names."

Jen: "Josh, you can't be serious we talked about names years ago, before we were even married. It was hypothetical now we're talking about a living being."

Josh: "Do you like the names we talked about?"

Jen: "Yes..."

Josh: "Well then what's to discuss?"

Jen: "Josh, I think we should at least talk about it."

Josh: "When I go to a restaurant, I look at the menu, decide what I want and then stop looking."

Jen: "Ok, for the sake of arguement I'll follow your analogy. You haven't even looked at the menu! "

I'm happy to report that I had a captive and cooperative audience for name discussion. (of course being stuck in the car on a seven hour road trip really helped)

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