Sunday, September 13, 2009

11 months old

This month has been full of discoveries. Claire has expanded her palatte and is open to new food textures. She likes tabouleh and quinoa pasta, turkey sausage, beans, cantaloupe and watermelon.

Her crawling has improved significantly though she still prefers to motor around on two legs holding onto something. She cruises all over the house behind the stepladder or her fire truck or using walls and furniture to support her. She has taken a couple of steps a couple times on her own but being that she isn't a risk taker, prefers the safety of some "stable" object or person. She and Lola have worked out a food system. Lola waits for the food from her high chair to fall and she eats it unless they think one of us isn't looking in which case Claire will share whatever she's eating. Claire has figured out what Lola has known all along, when Claire gets up from eating there are scraps in the hich chair seat. Lola is quick on the draw to clean that out but now has to fight Claire for the leftovers. Heading into month 11 she has three teeth (all on top).

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