Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day with Daddy

Recently, through an childcare glitch, Josh got an unexpected day off to spend with Claire while I was at work. He chronicled his day and below are the results.

Taking the fire truck out for a morning spin. Checking out her new digs in this hand me down baby back pack. A kind woman in one of Josh's classes gifted us with this.

Getting comfortable and enjoying the sunshade.

Great way to spend the morning, walking with Lafayette Reservoir with Dad and Lola.

Josh stopped some other walkers on the trail, is my daughter asleep?

Gott have a post walk snack for the car ride home.

Lunch time!

Some quality play time after an afternoon nap.


Anonymous said...

Can I just tell you again how excited I am to meet Claire in a few weeks?!?!?

Josh & Jen said...

Can I just tell you how excited I am for Claire to meet you?