Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Good things

I've been working a lot lately. What is interesting to me is that the older Claire gets, the more I enjoy her, the more difficult it is to leave her. That's not to say I'm not grateful/thankful for the work its just hard to leave Claire. For her part, Claire does great. We are very routined people and Claire seems to fall into step well with routine.

So, last week Claire was invited to work for a little while. While having an 8 month old at the office doesn't make for the most productive environment it sure was fun. Marilyn got some great pictures of Claire playing on the floor in her office. Her office is the cool place to be, she has a stockpile of toys for occasions just like this.

Ok, so the other exciting thing (the first being, having Claire at the office) would be that these pictures show one of Claire's latest achievements--HAIR! Ok, its not much but its there and you can actually see it. Props to Marilyn for capturing the hair.

This is her pensive face.

She loves to put everything her mouth.
woo woo woo!

ha ha ha!


Ok...no more pictures.


Mark Wenslawski said...

Fun looking at the pics on the blog. Man, seeing those Hawaii ones made me want to book a flight right now:) Hope you kids are well...it was fun seeing you ride, and Josh run yesterday.

Adam and Jen said...

Jen- she is SO cute and looking older! The hair is longer than Rubie's possibly! Wow, did that just come in? I swear I didn't see that in her last pics. :)

bM said...

she seriously sprouted that hair overnight. wow.

and cute tank top, claire