On Friday Claire and I had the joy and pleasure of welcoming the newest member of the crew to the fold (the crew my friends from high school were called). Decklyn Rose was born two weeks ago. Claire was unintersted in darling Decklyn and took more interst in a hula hoop offered to her by Michele's mom Beth and Michele's sister, Jenny. That is significant thing number three. Claire was captivated by Jenny and her shirt she reached for Jenny and did not cry when I passed her off. Perhaps Claire is turning a corner in her mommy only phase.
Saturday Claire took her first ride on BART and was thoroughly entertained by the lady sitting behind us decked out in costume jewelry and bright pink nails. We got to visit with Auntie B and a dear friend that I haven't seen in a long time, Crosby. Unfortunately I left my camera at home so no pictures from the afternoon. She also decided on Saturday that she likes Josh, not that she didn't before but she always preferred me if I was in eyesight. This weekend she played contentedly with him! Yay!
Sunday, Claire makes it through the nursery while Josh and I enjoy Sunday school that I haven't been to in months. I didn't get paged and she was only fussing mildly when I picked her up.
And as if that wasn't enough for a week (well, five days really), Claire is sporting something new in her smiles these days. A tooth! That caught me totally surprised and has Josh lamenting how quickly she is growing up.
Claire's new hobbies this month include walking around the house from fingers to furniture, adding "ma ma ma" to her "word" repetoire and eating ground chicken. I discovered that our step stool makes a great "walker" for her and gives much needed relief to my back.
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