Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sick as a dog...

Upon waking up yesterday morning, Josh and I discovered that we were both feeling pretty crummy. Within twenty minutes of one another we were presenting the same symptoms. The conclusion? The Flu or Food Poisoning. With no fever and the the onset of the symptoms being identical and literally within minutes of one another we concluded food poisoning. I'll leave the details to your imagination.

Being down for the count with a child in the house brings out a whole new set of challenges. We decided to divide and conquer. Josh also has a cold which we are trying to keep Claire from catching so he took Lola, I took Claire. It was a long day. Fortunately Claire is still in a stage where she will sleep a lot if things are low key around the house so sleep she did which allowed us to rest and move as little as possible.

I am thankful yesterday is over. I am trying to figure out how those with multiple children work the whole sick thing. I have new admiration.

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