Saturday, March 14, 2009

5 months old!

Claire is 5 months old as of Friday. Its unbelieveable to us. She's growing like crazy and is losing her little baby looks. She drools up a storm and there are some white spots on her gums that look like they could be teeth coming in. Then again they could be my imagination as well. How am I supposed to know?

One development that has made me a little sad, it looks like Claire has inherited eczema. I noticed a little patch of funny skin on her shoulder about a week ago and thought perhaps it was just dry skin (though somewhere in the back of my head my experience as a child with eczema was telling me different). Then I thought, maybe ringworm but it doesn't bear any resemblence to ring worm other than being circular in nature. After a discussion with the advice nurse and a consult over the phone with a pediatrician, we have concluded that's probably what it is (eczema). This shouldn't come as a surprise, eczema runs rampant in my family. I had prayed that she would escape this gene of mine. Until the doctor definitively diagnosis it as such, I'll pray that its just some funky skin irritation. I guess we'll find out at her next check up. Until then, I'll lotion her arm away.

Notice Claire's hand in this picture. She likes to "pet" Lola by running her hand up and down Lola's fur.
In another note, Claire still shows no desire to roll over but she doesn't scream and hardly cries when doing tummy time now (YAY!). She does resemble a seal a bit when on her tummy as she doesn't like to use her arms or legs, preferring to roll around on her rounded tummy.

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