Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Its a...


For the 70% of you that voted for a girl, you were right. We had the privilege of observing our little girl for almost an hour on the ultrasound as they checked her over. According to the technician she is very active and cooperative, they were able to get all the shots they needed. Everything looks good.

Josh and I were in awe as we got to see her in more detail and development. We are thrilled that she seems to be doing well and developing normally. It is confirmation once again what a gift and miracle a baby is. Since the ultrasound yesterday she's been increasingly active and at times Josh can even feel her moving around. We're at 19 weeks.
She's currently about the size of a mango or a large heirloom tomato. (thank you babycenter.com and thenestbaby.com for the size references)


bM said...

well, i guess I'M the one that's wrong. hello, baby girl smith!

morgan said...

FĂ©licitations !!
Bravo pour votre petite fille. Nous sommes très heureux pour vous !!
Morgan, David et Zachari

Anonymous said...

Feel free to name her Janice after me...I'm fine with it.


Mark Wenslawski said...

Congrats! I just got this email. My hubby was apparently, so interested in what the baby was, that he checked my email for me and forgot to mark it as "unread." So happy for y'alls! Very cool.

SarahV said...

Hooray! Congratulations! The baby room looks beeeeautiful!