Wednesday, May 28, 2008

This is the halfway point...or so they tell me

Today marks 20 weeks for pregnancy (five months). According to she's the size of a canteloupe (about six and a half inches). Still no official names for this little one. My grandmother did suggest Patricia Monette after both my grandmothers but having PMS as initials as a girl is not so desirable so sorry grandma, that one is out. True to Taylor/Moreira fashion however, the nicknames have begun. Brieanne calls her "Patootie" and my mom calls her something different depending on the week.

The bella band has become an integral part of my wardrobe, helping me transition to more comfortable clothes until I'm ready to embrace maternity wear. While I begin the march toward maternity clothes, Josh is slimming down as he continues to work towards his marathon goal. This weekend Josh and Nik ran 15 miles! Feel free to join me in cheering them on on Aug. 3 at the SF marathon.

Gary and Janice visited us this weekend and despite how active this little cantaloupe has been lately (very active), she didn't cooperate with significant enough movement for anybody to feel except me. We had another houseguest this weekend too, Ruby, Lola's miniature golden doodle friend. This photo is significant because it represents the only time these two puppies were still the whole weekend. Lola also celebrates her 1st birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday Lola!


Anonymous said...

Bella Bands are awesome! They work really well to hold up maternity pants that are still a bit too relaxed in the waist. I think I need about 5 of them, as you are right, it is an integral piece of the wardrobe!!

Anonymous said...

So fun!! Any belly pictures yet?

Do we get to talk on the phone soon? My heart misses you...