Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New York Day 1

3:45 a.m. and the alarm went off for my shower before we got on the road to the airport. I didn't really need an alarm, I'd been awake on and off since 1:15 a.m. with anxiety about the trip ahead. Five plus hours is a long time to be on a plane with a squirmy baby and I had no idea how Claire would fare during the trip.
Josh got Claire up and spent a few minutes of precious daddy/daugther time before loading her into the car. Poor baby, she looked so confused and dazed about why we had her up when it was still way dark outside. She sang to us the whole car ride to the airport, surprising us both that she didn't go back to sleep.

Our flight was on time. Preboarding is really overrrated. We got to get on the plane first but it wasn't but two minutes or so before they called everybody else to board.

Claire enjoyed playing with her toys.
She enjoyed playing with the cord to my headset even more. We met up with Auntie B at the hotel.

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