Sunday, April 19, 2009

New York Day Four...Battery Park, Union Square, Soho, Greenwich Village part B

Three things I learned today:

1. Greenwich village is in New York NOT Connecticut.
2. Soho stands for South of Houston (pronounced House-ton)
3. Martinis are not allowed in playgrounds in New York City

This was our day to visit Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Lady Liberty and the Island proved to be elusive as the line for the Ferry (even though we had tickets) was an hour and a half wait in the frigid wind. Claire wasn't going to go for that.


So, because of the wait and because of Brieanne's flight that day, we opted for a stroll through Soho and Greenwich village.
There's so much brick in NY, I was surprised by that.

After saying goodbye to Brieanne, we decided to have a little New York adventure of our own. We took the subway to Union Square for a delicious meal at Republic, a noodle house. I highly recommend this place.
We all took a turn at trying to pacify Claire during dinner.

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