Wednesday, October 1, 2008


As I turned the page of my calendar to October this morning, I was flooded with thoughts and feelings.
This time last year Brieanne was living with us in preparation for her and Brandon's wedding.
This time last year Josh and I were praying about my job and if/when I would resign - which I did a few days later.
This time last year Josh rescued the dittas (Ben & Stu, Brieanne and Brandon's cats) - see her blog post.
This time last year Josh and I got word that there was a puppy named Lola that we could bring home.

So...we've had Lola for almost a year (Nov). Josh and I will celebrate our three year anniversary tomorrow. Ben and Stu celebrate one year since being rescued. Brieanne and Brandon celebrate their first anniversary at the end of the month.

So much to be thankful for. Fall is shaping up to be a very significant time for our family. Add to that the impending arrival of our little girl (unless the ultrasound tech was wrong - we hope its a girl after all this though. We'll be so thankful for a healthy baby regardless). She'll be here before the month is over - THAT is just mind boggling.

Here are some photos from my walk down memory lane for fun. Unfortunately, I was a late comer to the digital camera era so the really early photos of Josh and I are notably absent.

Here's to the seasons changing, blessings, a Happy Fall and 38 weeks for Patootie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Happy Anniversary!!! I was actually thinking about you both this morning since I now have my handy dandy perpetual calendar to remember such events.

Can't believe you're going to be parents so soon!!!!! You'll be amazing parents...your little one is blessed to have you both.

Hugs to you -
