Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Final Preparations

Here we are at 37 weeks. Patootie is considered by medical standards to be full term though she's not due for at least three more weeks. I currently have like three lists going, to do before she arrives, what to pack in a diaper bag and what we need for patootie before she arrives. I am enjoying putting the room together and washing some of her things in preparation. Josh is preparing in his own way, he hasn't been sleeping well (of course this is a on and off condition for him, irrelevant to the baby coming though I'm sure the nervousness of that doesn't help).

Josh and I will celebrate our three year anniversary next week. It has been fun to think about the adventure of the last seven years knowing one another and all the blessings and surprises that have come our way since being married. Our lives are about to change and the curiousity of it is weighing on me. I am prayerful that God will grant us the grace and wisdom to navigate this new adventure. I am confident in His provision.

In other news, here are some funnies/highlights to share:
1. I can still touch my toes! Oh YEAH!

2. Lola has a new favorite toy, I'll try and get video of her playing with it. Its a duck that quacks when she steps on it. Normally she shreds plush toys but this one she is treating gingerly.

3. Lola's favorite seat in the house? My tummy, I think Patootie gives her a butt massage when she's moving...

4. Conversation between Josh and I the other night (middle of the night).
Me: "HEY!"'
Josh (waking from sleep and popping out of bed): "What?! Are you in labor?"
Me: "No, you just hit me when you rolled over."
Josh:"Oh...sorry" (and promptly falls back asleep).

I will try and get some photos this weekend to post.

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